¡Zine Baile! - 3/7/20
FYI - I’m no longer participating in this event but please attend if you can!
San Antonio- YOU ARE AMAZING. It is my great pleasure to be joining a bunch of cool makers and creators at ¡Zine Baile! Reading Y Zine Mercado at La Botánica. Event starts at 8 pm on Saturday, March 7, 2020 on the last night of AWP in San Antonio, TX.
Mil gracias to St. Sucia for organizing this incredible event!
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2020 from 8 pm to ??
Location: La Botánica, 2911 N St Mary's St, San Antonio, TX 78212
Event details from the Facebook Event are below:
St. Sucia presents ¡Zine Baile! The Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference is in town and we wanted to celebrate our rad writer friends and local zinesters who are DIY-ing publishing! Come one out to enjoy poetry readings and pick up a few zines. La Botanica serves up delicious cocktails, beers and vegan food. DJ HEAVYFLOW will be pumping out the jams the rest of the night.
R E A D E R S:
San Juana Guillermo | Polly Anna Rocha | Marilyse Figueroa | Enedina Hernandez Prater | Bonnie Cisneros | Rebecca Gonzales* | Breena Nuñez* | Yeiry Guevara* | Ana Ortiz Varela* | Natasha Hernandez*
Z I N E S:
Warship Zine | Muchacha Fanzine | Cósmica | La Liga Zine | That Grey Zine | Grace Allison Perkins | Tomboy Toons | Isabel Ann Castro | Yes, Ma'am | Sybil Press | CHema Skandal | San Anto Zine Fest
21+ to enter. $3 at the door at La Botanica
No AWP Badge Necessary
Readers with * are Panelists for AWP's Latinx in Zines: Creating Space for Underrepresented Voices. Room 212, Henry B. González Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
Flyed designed by Isabel Ann Castro