
Houston Latino Film Festival - 3/15/25

Houston Latino Film Festival - 03/15/25

I’m so proud to be participating in the Houston Latino Film Festival this year! This year’s line up of films are fantastic. Beyond film, the festival also hosts workshops for filmmakers, an art show in the MATCH gallery space, musical performances every night. Don’t miss it! See this feature on Houston Chronicle about HLFF.

There will also be a poetry reading on Saturday, March 15 organized by Tintero Projects. I’m super proud to be reading NEW work at this reading.

Event Details

12:00 PM - Saturday, March 15, 2025

MATCH - Gallery

3400 Main St, Houston, TX 77002

See the HLFF for additional event details

The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids - Zine Launch @ Zine Fest Houston - 11/18/23

The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids - Zine Launch @ Zine Fest Houston - 11/18/23

Super proud to be part of this collaboration with Reyes Ramirez! Very grateful for the creative space to honor my Tia Ruchis and my neighborhood querido. The Pylon Project is presented from The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids initiative.

Event Details

1:00 PM


Zine Fest Houston @ The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art

2334 Gulf Terminal Dr, Houston, TX 77023 - MAP

Check out the amazing line up for Zine Fest Houston taking place all day as well. I don’t have a table this year at ZFH but I’ll be vending in the San Anto Zine Fest in December 2023.

“The Loop” Launch Party & Reading - 9/15/22

“The Loop” Launch Party & Reading - 9/15/22

I’m thrilled to be a contributor and reader for this local publication, “The Loop” presented by Common Field. I’ll be reading a piece I wrote in celebration of my hood, mi querido barrio, East End. Big thanks to Common Field, Megan Sparks and Reyes Ramirez for creating and organizing “The Loop”.

Join us for an evening of amazing local writers inspired by all things H-town.

Publication includes contributions from:

Event Details below:

Thursday, September 15, 2022


Aurora Picture Show

2442 Bartlett St, Houston, TX 77098

Claudia Castro Luna Book Launch - 6/29/22

Claudia Castro Luna Book Launch - 6/29/22


Enjoy this FREE event celebrating Central American art & culture! Meet Salvadoran author, Claudia Castro Luna, and get your copy of her new book “Cipota Under the Moon” singed. Hosted by writer, activities Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante.

Houston stop features the following artists: Yeiry Guevara, Marlon “Marley” Lizama, Alba Herrera, Celea Guevara.

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Alta Arts, Google Map

Facebook Event Link

Reyes Ramirez Book Launch - 5/12/22

Reyes Ramirez Book Launch - 5/12/22

JOIN MECA, TBH, NUESTRA PALABRA & TINTERO PROJECTS as we celebrate the DEBUT short story collection, THE BOOK OF WANDERERS by Houston writer, Reyes Ramirez!

This literary night will see a full line - up of poets and writers including:

Yeiry Guevara, Farrah Fang, Icess Fernandez Rojas, Lupe Mendez and more!

May 12, 2022

MECA at TBH Center, Houston TX

Facebook Link

Reyes Website

Houston Latino Film Festival Reading - 3/26/22

Houston Latino Film Festival Reading - 3/26/22

Big congrats to my friend Reyes Ramirez on his debut short story collection “The Book of Wanderers”!

I have the immense honor to be the opening reader for his event taking place at the Houston Latino Film Festival this weekend.

I’ll be doing my first public reading (in forever) on:

Saturday, March 26, 2022
5 pm
MATCH - Gallery

Come thru to watch me read in a gorgeous new dress 💃🏽 and listen to the wonderful stories created by the homie Reyes.

Additional info at the HLFF website.

Sin Muros: A Latinx Theatre Festival - 2/27/21

Sin Muros: A Latinx Theatre Festival

Presented by Stages and Tintero Projects

Click to Expand

It’s been a rough week of catastrophic weather in Texas. After this winter storm. we’re very grateful for our sunshine and resilience this week.

For this weekend, catch me doing an online reading for Sin Muros: a Latinx Theatre Festival.

This festival is a collaboration between:

I will be reading my original work as an opener/introduction for “Inner View” by Christine Granados. Directed by Benito Vazquez. The festival is free as well!

Event Details:
Saturday, February 27
Link to Online Event Page Here

¡Zine Baile! - 3/7/20

¡Zine Baile! - 3/7/20

FYI - I’m no longer participating in this event but please attend if you can!
San Antonio- YOU ARE AMAZING. It is my great pleasure to be joining a bunch of cool makers and creators at ¡Zine Baile! Reading Y Zine Mercado at La Botánica. Event starts at 8 pm on Saturday, March 7, 2020 on the last night of AWP in San Antonio, TX.

Mil gracias to St. Sucia for organizing this incredible event!

Date: Saturday, March 7, 2020 from 8 pm to ??
Location: La Botánica, 2911 N St Mary's St, San Antonio, TX 78212

Event details from the Facebook Event are below:

St. Sucia presents ¡Zine Baile! The Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference is in town and we wanted to celebrate our rad writer friends and local zinesters who are DIY-ing publishing! Come one out to enjoy poetry readings and pick up a few zines. La Botanica serves up delicious cocktails, beers and vegan food. DJ HEAVYFLOW will be pumping out the jams the rest of the night.

R E A D E R S:
San Juana Guillermo | Polly Anna Rocha | Marilyse Figueroa | Enedina Hernandez Prater | Bonnie Cisneros | Rebecca Gonzales* | Breena Nuñez* | Yeiry Guevara* | Ana Ortiz Varela* | Natasha Hernandez*

Z I N E S:
Warship Zine | Muchacha Fanzine | Cósmica | La Liga Zine | That Grey Zine | Grace Allison Perkins | Tomboy Toons | Isabel Ann Castro | Yes, Ma'am | Sybil Press | CHema Skandal | San Anto Zine Fest

21+ to enter. $3 at the door at La Botanica
No AWP Badge Necessary

Readers with * are Panelists for AWP's Latinx in Zines: Creating Space for Underrepresented Voices. Room 212, Henry B. González Convention Center, Meeting Room Level

Flyed designed by Isabel Ann Castro

Flyed designed by Isabel Ann Castro

Tintero Projects Reading at MFAH - 9/5/19

Tintero Projects Reading at MFAH - 9/5/19

L-R: Natasha Carrizosa, Juan Avalos, Alexander P. Garza, Amanda Ortiz, Yeiry Guevara, Lupe Mendez

L-R: Natasha Carrizosa, Juan Avalos, Alexander P. Garza, Amanda Ortiz, Yeiry Guevara, Lupe Mendez

I’ve been away from Texas for over 8 years. There has been a lot of learning and growing (everyday!) since I returned to my hometown from NYC. One of the most important NYC lessons I wanted to continue was finding my creative community. Over the last few months, I have had the good fortunate to connect with so many creative brains. This event was particularly important to me because it took place at a local institution where I had my earliest memory of art. Thank you Lupe Mendez at Tintero Projects for including me with other wonderful local writers. Thank you Sydney and Veronica at the MFAH for making this event possible.

About the Event:
Enjoy a unique literary experience as the MFAH collaborates once again with Tintero Projects. In the galleries of Between Play and Grief: Selections from the Latino American Collection, five professional Houston writers perform written pieces inspired by works of art from the exhibition.

Event Details:
7-8 pm on September 5, 2019
Museum of Fine Arts Houston
MFAH Website

Antonio Berni, Carnaval de Juanito, 1962, collage, collection of Gail and Louis K. Adler. © José Antonio Berni

Antonio Berni, Carnaval de Juanito, 1962, collage, collection of Gail and Louis K. Adler. © José Antonio Berni

Zine Fest Houston - 11/17/18


Houston, I was so happy to be part of this reading and discussion panel at Zine Fest Houston 2018.

Thanks Reyes for inviting me to be a part of “Latinx Zinesters in Texas: A Reading and Discussion Featuring Reyes Ramirez, Claudia Delfina Cardona, Yeiry Guevara, and moderated by S Rodriguez.”

I sold copies of my zines and tiny zines at the event as well.


Event Details

Saturday, November 17, 2018

4:00 - 5:00 pm - Panel & Reading

Lawndale Arts Center

4912 Main St., Houston, TX 77002

Free for all ages

Facebook Event

Thank you Moe + Maria for the pics!

Miércoles de Poesía en San Salvador - 11/14/18


Por la primera vez, pude leer mi poesía en persona en San Salvador, El Salvador. Estaba súper emocionada de poder compartir mis obras en mis tierras ancestrales. Gracias Janel, Alberto y el conjunto de Los Tacos de Paco por invitarme y todo el esfuerzo que hacen para promover la poesía en Centroamérica.

Detalles sobre el Evento:

Miércoles, 14 de noviembre a las 7:30 pm

En Los Tacos de Paco, Colonia Miramonte, Avenida Los Andes 2931, San Salvador, El Salvador

Entrada Gratis para Toda Edades

Enlace de Facebook

For the first time ever, I did an in-person reading in San Salvador, El Salvador. I was super excited to share my work and to bring it all home! Thank you Janel, Alberto and the team at Los Tacos de Paco for inviting me and for all the amazing work y’all do for poetry in Central America.

Event Details:

Wednesday, November 14 at 7:30 pm

At Los Tacos de Paco, Colonia Miramonte, Avenue Los Andes 2931, San Salvador, El Salvador

Free Entry for All Ages

Facebook Link

CISPES Reading - 10/11/18


I had a reading with CISPES at their event: Fight for Water in El Salvador on October 11, 2018.
Free & open to the public!

About The Event

Please join the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) raise awareness about the fight against water privatization in El Salvador. This event will have a report back on this major issue threatening the 6 million people living in El Salvador, and will also have performances by Salvadoran & Central American poets. 

Performances by:
Cruz Kontrol
Gilmarie Brioso
The Daizeez
Yeiry Guevara
Christopher Soto

American Indian Community House
39 Eldridge St

October 11, 2018
6:30 - 9:00 pm

Facebook Event

Event Photos

Antidote Anniversary Celebration - 8/25/18

August 25, 2018 - Antidote Anniverary Celebration

Antidote Books turned 1 year old! In the past year, the owners and my dear friends Ruth and Jeremy, have worked endlessly to create a communal space for literature in Putney, VT. To celebrate this achievement, Antidote Books hosted a day full of fun events at the store.

It's a joy to see their efforts thrive in the community and a big honor to celebrate with them. I hosted my workshop titled "Intergenerational Trauma + The Creative Process" which details the production of "Vos Cipota", my zine based on intergenerational trauma. 

Click to enlarge details

About the Event

Antidote Books would not exist were it not for the support, belief and inspiration of our community. To anyone who has ever shopped at Antidote, attended one of our events, taught a workshop, or read their work at our bookshop, we express our immense gratitude.  Join us for this celebratory event with cake, raffle and refreshments! 10% of our one year anniversary event proceeds will go to Community Asylum Seekers Project VT.


About the Workshop  

Yeiry Guevara is a first-generation Salvadoran whose work seeks to create representation and visibility for communities of color. After releasing her zine “Vos Cipota,” she saw the need from her community to have conversations about intergenerational healing.

In the interactive workshop titled Intergenerational Trauma + Creativity, Yeiry will share what she learned in the production of “Vos Cipota” by breaking down her process: how to “know” what you don’t know, how to hold space for deep conversation with parents/elders, how to take care of yourself when you do get into the deep end of learning your history, and the role of self-care.


Schedule of Events

3 pm - "Skip to the End" Book Launch with Graphic Novelist Jeremy Holt

5 pm - "Intergenerational Trauma + The Creative Process" Workshop hosted by Yeiry Guevara

7 pm - Poetry Reading with Didi Jackson and Major Jackson



Antidote Books
120 Main St., Putney, VT 05346

Facebook Event

Reading with St. Sucia - 5/28/18


I'm a huge fan of St. Sucia and I was so honored to have shared a magical evening with a number of talented poets on Monday, May 28, 2018 at Kaleidoscope Kollective. Lots of happy tears and beautiful words were exchanged. Thank you all who attended!!

From Left: Isabel Ann Castro of St. Sucia, Eugenia Nicole, Yeiry Guevara, Alma Rosa Rivera, Xitlalic Guijosa, Rebecca Gonzales. First Row: Natasha Hernandez of St. Sucia

From Left: Isabel Ann Castro of St. Sucia, Eugenia Nicole, Yeiry Guevara, Alma Rosa Rivera, Xitlalic Guijosa, Rebecca Gonzales. First Row: Natasha Hernandez of St. Sucia

Eugenia Nicole Reading with St. Sucia on May 28, 2018

Eugenia Nicole Reading with St. Sucia on May 28, 2018

INK FIBER IMAGE - 10/14/2017



Organized by Antidote Books in Putney, RVT

I finally shared a stage with my dear friend Ruth Antoinette Rodriguez! We met in our hometown of Houston, TX when we were bouncing around this thing called life. Nearly a decade later, we shared our writing in Antidote Bookstore, which she owns with her husband in Putney, Vermont.  

About the show:
INK, FIBER & IMAGE: An Evening of Exploring Latinx Idenity Through the Arts with readings by RUTH ANTOINETTE RODRIGUEZ & YEIRY GUEVARA

YEIRY GUEVARA (NYC) is a writer, translator and fiber artist whose work has appeared in Chiflad@, La Liga, and St. Sucia. Yeiry is the author of THE SAVIOR, a Spanish-and-English zine that explores family and memory in El Salvador through the lens of photography. Yeiry lives in New York City where she's recognized for bringing contemporary Latinx creativity into focus.

RUTH ANTOINETTE RODRIGUEZ (HTX) is a poet who works with typewritten words, ink images and fiber. A recipient of fellowships from the Fine Arts Work Center, the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley and Factory Hollow Press, Rodriguez holds a BA in English from the University of Houston. Originally from Houston, TX, Rodriguez lives in Vermont where she runs Antidote Books, an independent book store dedicated to poetry, curious minds, and social justice awareness.

Our reading was featured in the Community Events page for the Brattleboro Literary Festival. Also, I'm very proud to announce that copies of my zine are available for purchase at Antidote Books!  Thanks for everything Ruth & Jeremy! Thank you Vermont for a lovely autumn evening. 

Dia de la Raza - 10/12/2017

Dia de la Raza

Dia De La Raza

Organized by La Liga and Ana Castillo

On October 12th 2017, I had the joy to read with many great voices including chingona author Ana Castillo in a Welcome to NYC style party at Starr Bar. 

About the show:
En el Día de la Raza, La Liga Zine is hosting a gathering to welcome Chicana novelist-poet Ana Castillo to her new home in New York! On this day, Ana Castillo was crowned a curandera in Mexico by a great Tlaxcaltec medicine man 20 years ago.


  • Nancy Mercado
  • Ayendy Bonifacio
  • Sergio Troncoso
  • Ana Castillo
  • Stephanie Orentas
  • Mari Santa Cruz
  • Yeiry Guevara
  • Sayuri Gomez

Many thanks to everyone who came out and welcomed Ana with open arms. A few snaps of the event are below.