All About Art Panel - 3/14/25

All About Art Panel - 3/14/25

March is Women’s History Month. I’m honored to be a panelist for this event with All About Art, a pop-up gallery and community-based arts organizers in Houston, TX. On Friday, March 14, we will be sharing our experiences as being a woman in the arts, our career trajectory and community impact. Excited to be in conversation with these amazing artists!

HERstory Panelists:

Event Details

Friday, March 14, 2025

Bad Astronaut Brewery

1519 Fulton St, Houston, TX 77009

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM for full event

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM for panel discussion

Houston Latino Film Festival - 3/15/25

Houston Latino Film Festival - 03/15/25

I’m so proud to be participating in the Houston Latino Film Festival this year! This year’s line up of films are fantastic. Beyond film, the festival also hosts workshops for filmmakers, an art show in the MATCH gallery space, musical performances every night. Don’t miss it! See this feature on Houston Chronicle about HLFF.

There will also be a poetry reading on Saturday, March 15 organized by Tintero Projects. I’m super proud to be reading NEW work at this reading.

Event Details

12:00 PM - Saturday, March 15, 2025

MATCH - Gallery

3400 Main St, Houston, TX 77002

See the HLFF for additional event details

MFAH Staff Art Show - 1/30/25

MFAH Staff Art Show - 1/30/25

I’m so proud to have my piece featured in the MFAH Biennial Staff Art Show 2025! The exhibition is taking place in the Millenium Gallery in the Lower Level of Beck Building at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Come check out all the incredible artwork submitted by talented MFAH employees. There are over 600 employees and I’m honored to be selected in the exhibition. Exhibition closes on 2/9/25.

This exhibiting piece is very significant to me on so many levels. It was taken upon my arrival at the airport in El Salvador. The passengers were awaiting at the baggage claim for their families and belongings. The silhouettes of the foreground symbolize the desire to go home, but what is home? Is it a geography? Is it a state of mind?

This specific photograph was the first piece of artwork I exhibited and sold on the same night. That experience taught me that my artwork is valued. With the support from that first show, I was empowered to own the title of ARTIST. Let me know if you visit my piece! Tag me @Yeirybird

Virtual Workshop | Identity Unbound: Tell Your Story With Zines - 4/10/24

Virtual Workshop | Identity Unbound: Tell Your Story With Zines - 4/10/24

I’m thrilled to be a presenter for a virtual workshop with Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire.

The virtual workshop will take place on April 10, 2024.

About The Event:

Do you want to share your story, but are not sure how to do it? 

Join us for a presentation by nationally recognized creator of bilingual zines, 
Yeiry Guevara. In addition to reviewing what zines are and how to make them, Yeiry will share with you her personal experience creating bilingual zines (Spanish / English) as an expression of her intersecting and multiple identities.

After her presentation, you will have an opportunity to create a zine of your own.

Event Details here:

Add event to your calendar:

San Anto Zine Fest - 12/09/23

I’m thrilled to be vending in San Antonio for the San Anto Zine Fest on 12/09/23. I’m working on possibly releasing some new stuffffff. Only one way to find out! Come thruuuuu on 12/09/23.

Check out all the incredible vendors also participating in the festival.

Event Details

December 9th, 2023 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

San Antonio Public Library - Central Branch

600 Soledad St., San Antonio, TX 78205 - Map

Library Website + SAZF Website

The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids - Zine Launch @ Zine Fest Houston - 11/18/23

The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids - Zine Launch @ Zine Fest Houston - 11/18/23

Super proud to be part of this collaboration with Reyes Ramirez! Very grateful for the creative space to honor my Tia Ruchis and my neighborhood querido. The Pylon Project is presented from The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids initiative.

Event Details

1:00 PM


Zine Fest Houston @ The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art

2334 Gulf Terminal Dr, Houston, TX 77023 - MAP

Check out the amazing line up for Zine Fest Houston taking place all day as well. I don’t have a table this year at ZFH but I’ll be vending in the San Anto Zine Fest in December 2023.

MFAH Staff Art Show - 3/19/23

MFAH Staff Art Show - 3/19/23

I’m so proud to have my piece featured in the MFAH Biennial Staff Art Show 2023! The exhibition is taking place in the Millenium Gallery in the Lower Level of Beck Building at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Come check out all the incredible artwork submitted by talented MFAH employees. There are over 600 employees and I’m honored to be selected in the exhibition. Exhibition closes on 3/19/23.

This work is inspired by all the needlework created by the women in my family, my mom’s creativity in her embroidered manteles, and memories of sweet Salvi candy from childhood. Let me know if you visit! Tag me @yeirybird

Zine Fest Houston - 11/12/22

Zine Fest Houston - 11/12/2022

I’m thrilled to be a vendor for Zine Fest Houston 2022. I have new merch which I’m super excited to share with y’all

Catch me at Table 3 near the entrance with the homies of St. Sucia & Xicana Vegan.

Check out the full list of vendors here.

Lots of food, programs and ZINES!

Event Details:

The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art

(Not the monument but the big space behind it!)

2334 Gulf Terminal Dr.

Houston, TX 77023

Saturday, November 12, 2022

12 -6 PM

FB Event Link

We’re All Products of Our Milieu

We’re All Products of Our Milieu

Everything is coming up Milhouse!


Everything is coming up Milhouse! 〰️

Photo by Agave Bloom Photography

Happy to report that I am thriving.

I got a job! I’m the new Public Programs Manager at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. As my first project, I’m organizing a huge community day festival taking place on November 6, 2022. Come check out the art, music, dance and family-friendly activities for free. The promo vid is below.

As the universe spins, I am also hiring for my team. Send qualified cool people this way: Specialist + Production Assistant.

Photos taken during my many walks on campus

Outside of work, I’m thrilled to be vending at this year’s Zine Fest Houston 2022. This is technically the first year I’ve been able to vend at ZFH. It feels so good to be able to participate in my local zine scene in an official vendor capacity. Come say hi, buy a zine and catch up on November 12, 2022.

Shoutout to Agave Bloom Photography for the new headshots to commemorate this new professional chapter. Book them for all your photo needs.

I’m still very much working through work-life-balance; a million unfinished creative projects; building community authentically; whilst in the pursuit of finding the perfect rug for my home office.

Send all the good vibes in this new chapter!

Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market - 10/15/22

Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market - 10/15/22

Yoooo - I’ll be vending in person for the first time zine October 2019.

Join me and all the wonderful vendors at Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market taking place this weekend.

Event Details

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Hardy & Nance Studios

902 Hardy Street

Houston, TX 77020

Free Admission

Facebook Event Link

“The Loop” Launch Party & Reading - 9/15/22

“The Loop” Launch Party & Reading - 9/15/22

I’m thrilled to be a contributor and reader for this local publication, “The Loop” presented by Common Field. I’ll be reading a piece I wrote in celebration of my hood, mi querido barrio, East End. Big thanks to Common Field, Megan Sparks and Reyes Ramirez for creating and organizing “The Loop”.

Join us for an evening of amazing local writers inspired by all things H-town.

Publication includes contributions from:

Event Details below:

Thursday, September 15, 2022


Aurora Picture Show

2442 Bartlett St, Houston, TX 77098

Letter from the Liminal Space

Letter from the Liminal Space

3 weeks ago, I quit my job without a new job lined up. I jumped out of the proverbial airplane without a parachute. There was no time to put on my oxygen mask. The plastic bag wasn’t inflating anyway. I left on my own accord, through a voluntary resignation. That’s the most I can say without being too chismosa. For anyone who has dealt with similar environments, knows the erosion of your sense of self and general outlook. One piece of advice from a former manager has stuck with me: “Do this job with integrity”. After 3 years of public service, I didn’t get much of a send off, not even an awkward office farewell party. But I have been able to hold on to my integrity and self-worth through all the challenging situations. And honestly, that’s the best feeling. I can hold my head up high and feel proud of the work I have done. The immense relief melts into my shoulders like ice cubes in a cup of sweet tea.

Claudia Castro Luna Book Launch - 6/29/22

Claudia Castro Luna Book Launch - 6/29/22


Enjoy this FREE event celebrating Central American art & culture! Meet Salvadoran author, Claudia Castro Luna, and get your copy of her new book “Cipota Under the Moon” singed. Hosted by writer, activities Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante.

Houston stop features the following artists: Yeiry Guevara, Marlon “Marley” Lizama, Alba Herrera, Celea Guevara.

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Alta Arts, Google Map

Facebook Event Link

Reyes Ramirez Book Launch - 5/12/22

Reyes Ramirez Book Launch - 5/12/22

JOIN MECA, TBH, NUESTRA PALABRA & TINTERO PROJECTS as we celebrate the DEBUT short story collection, THE BOOK OF WANDERERS by Houston writer, Reyes Ramirez!

This literary night will see a full line - up of poets and writers including:

Yeiry Guevara, Farrah Fang, Icess Fernandez Rojas, Lupe Mendez and more!

May 12, 2022

MECA at TBH Center, Houston TX

Facebook Link

Reyes Website

Houston Latino Film Festival Reading - 3/26/22

Houston Latino Film Festival Reading - 3/26/22

Big congrats to my friend Reyes Ramirez on his debut short story collection “The Book of Wanderers”!

I have the immense honor to be the opening reader for his event taking place at the Houston Latino Film Festival this weekend.

I’ll be doing my first public reading (in forever) on:

Saturday, March 26, 2022
5 pm
MATCH - Gallery

Come thru to watch me read in a gorgeous new dress 💃🏽 and listen to the wonderful stories created by the homie Reyes.

Additional info at the HLFF website.

LAPL Zine Taller - 2/09/22

“Tu Historia en Papel” Zine Taller - 2/09/22

Gracias Los Angeles Public Library por la oportunidad de compartir mi arte y presentar un taller de zines. Aquí está el vídeo completo.

Estoy muy emocionada de presentar un taller virtual titulado “Zines: Tu Historia en Papel” con la biblioteca pública de Los Angeles, California (LAPL). Estaré presentado en Español, en vivo, a través de la pagina de Facebook y Youtube de LAPL el miércoles, 9 de febrero 2022 a las 4 pm PST / 6 pm CST / 7 PM EST.

Más información se encuentra el en calendario de eventos para la biblioteca.

Detalles sobre el taller:

Acompáñenos en este taller multigeneracional diseñado a ayudarlo a contar su narrativo personal, historia familiar, o qualquier obra que quiera compartir, a través de “Zines.” La artista y creativa salvadoreña-estadounidense, Yeiry Guevara, hablará sobre su experiencia de contar historias, documentar y comunicar a través del Zine autoeditado. Este medio es único en que el fin es que el crear, reproducir y compartir sea fácilmente accesible para todos. Este taller se presentara en español

I’m thrilled to be presenting an online zine workshop titled “Zines: Tu Historia en Papel” with Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL). I’ll be presenting live, in Spanish, through LAPL’s Facebook and Youtube pages on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 4 pm PST / 6 pm CST / 7 PM EST.

More information regarding the event can be found on the LAPL event calendar.

About the workshop:

Join us for this multigenerational workshop designed to help you tell your personal narrative, family history or any other work to share through Zines. Salvadoran-American artist and creative, Yeiry Guevara, will share her experience storytelling, documenting and communicating through the self-published Zine. This medium is unique in that the tools for creating, reproducing and sharing Zines are easily accessible to all. This workshop will be presented in Spanish.

NALAC National Latinx Summit - 10/01/21

NALAC National Latinx Summit - 10/01/21

Join the conversation on all things Latinx arts! NALAC is hosting its annual National Latinx Summit, Manos a la Obra, on September 30 - October 2, 2021.

The summit will include Keynotes, a marketplace, ofrenda, along with community-led sessions all virtual.
Register today to virtually participate in the Summit.

I’m very excited to be a session presenter on October 01, 2021 from 03:30PM–04:25PM CDT with an amazing panel. See details below.

About the Panel
The Critic is Essential: A Latinx Arts Critics Panel

Articles published by the New York Times, Hyperallergic, Forbes, and other publications. show the lack of critics of color in publications that feature reviews of art. What is the role of the critic in the arts ecosystem? Why does an arts community need critics with a shared background? In this panel, practicing critics Reyes Ramirez, Sarah Rafael Garcia, Icess Fernandez Rojas and Yeiry Guevara, will share experiences, ideas, and inspiration navigating critical writing on art forms from various perspectives, such as food, film, visual art, and literary criticism, to highlight Latinx critics as important members of the artistic community. Participants will be able to ask questions, be inspired to meet creatives, and find new collaborations at the NALAC Summit.

Register Now

LAPL Workshop - 10/13/21

LAPL Workshop - 10/13/21

I’m so excited to partner with Los Angeles Public Library - Goldwyn Hollywood Regional Library to present a virtual workshop!

The virtual workshop is titled “Let’s Make a Bilingual Zine“ and will take place on Oct 13, 2021
04:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM CST / 7:00 PM EST

We’ll be chatting about zines, my creative process and how to make your own zine!

Lola's Quinceañera

Lola's Quinceañera


You are a force on four paws.

You’ve known me since I was 20 years old.
You were the first one to tell me that my ex was a horrible person by biting them at every chance you got.
Thank you for your canine wisdom.

In 2007, you won the coveted title of “Fastest Dog in Port Chester, New York” and earned a year’s worth of free dog food. You were #1 in puppy obedience school, out of 2 graduates.
Puppy cum laude.
Never underestimate the heart of a champion, from one Houston legend to another.

You are relentless in your pursuit of snacks and naps.

At 15 years of age, you have seen our family grow and expand.
You have moved cross-country twice.
We named our virtual band in Rock Band after you, Los Chiweenies. Yes, we toured Europe.
You earned your place in this family with your loyalty, companionship, and ability to cuddle in your soft old age.

In this day of your Quinceañera, we honor your life.
Your big chi-weenie heart.
The endless joy you have brought us.

Love, Your Tia

Sin Muros: A Latinx Theatre Festival - 2/27/21

Sin Muros: A Latinx Theatre Festival

Presented by Stages and Tintero Projects

Click to Expand

It’s been a rough week of catastrophic weather in Texas. After this winter storm. we’re very grateful for our sunshine and resilience this week.

For this weekend, catch me doing an online reading for Sin Muros: a Latinx Theatre Festival.

This festival is a collaboration between:

I will be reading my original work as an opener/introduction for “Inner View” by Christine Granados. Directed by Benito Vazquez. The festival is free as well!

Event Details:
Saturday, February 27
Link to Online Event Page Here