
MFAH Staff Art Show - 1/30/25

MFAH Staff Art Show - 1/30/25

I’m so proud to have my piece featured in the MFAH Biennial Staff Art Show 2025! The exhibition is taking place in the Millenium Gallery in the Lower Level of Beck Building at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Come check out all the incredible artwork submitted by talented MFAH employees. There are over 600 employees and I’m honored to be selected in the exhibition. Exhibition closes on 2/9/25.

This exhibiting piece is very significant to me on so many levels. It was taken upon my arrival at the airport in El Salvador. The passengers were awaiting at the baggage claim for their families and belongings. The silhouettes of the foreground symbolize the desire to go home, but what is home? Is it a geography? Is it a state of mind?

This specific photograph was the first piece of artwork I exhibited and sold on the same night. That experience taught me that my artwork is valued. With the support from that first show, I was empowered to own the title of ARTIST. Let me know if you visit my piece! Tag me @Yeirybird

MFAH Staff Art Show - 3/19/23

MFAH Staff Art Show - 3/19/23

I’m so proud to have my piece featured in the MFAH Biennial Staff Art Show 2023! The exhibition is taking place in the Millenium Gallery in the Lower Level of Beck Building at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Come check out all the incredible artwork submitted by talented MFAH employees. There are over 600 employees and I’m honored to be selected in the exhibition. Exhibition closes on 3/19/23.

This work is inspired by all the needlework created by the women in my family, my mom’s creativity in her embroidered manteles, and memories of sweet Salvi candy from childhood. Let me know if you visit! Tag me @yeirybird

Dissent: Zine Culture (And the Voices You Wouldn't Hear Otherwise) Exhibition - 12/10/19

Dissent: Zine Culture
(And the Voices You Wouldn't Hear Otherwise) Exhibition - 12/10/19

I am so proud to have my zines available in this exhibition taking place at the University of Texas. My work is next to some wonderful zine friends as well. Check it out next time you’re on campus! The exhibition runs until December 10, 2019.

About the Exhibition:

The University of Texas at Austin’s Latino Studies has a flashy new exhibition in the halls of the Gordon-White Building (GWB). Made up of self-published poetry, essays, photographs, short stories, and artwork, Dissent: Zine Culture (And the Voices You Wouldn’t Hear Otherwise) highlights the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection’s U.S. Latinx Zine and Graphic Novel Collection with over forty zines.

Thank you UT College of Liberal Arts, Latino Studies Department, The Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin for organizing this exhibition!

Mil gracias to St. Sucia for documenting the exhibition! The first image displays “Vos Cipota”. The one below shows the blue tiny zine I made titled “Growing Up Salvadoran”.

El Zine Exhibition - 9/17/19

I’m so excited to be featured in this zine exhibition in NYU. Although I will not be able to see it in person, I am overjoyed to have my work alongside other wonderful zines. Thank you Barbara at The Latinx Project of NYU for making this possible!

About the Event:
el zine: contemporary underground archives 

In the last ten years we’ve seen DIY publishers expand tenfold with a new zine fest popping up every month in cities worldwide. The incorporation of zine tents in art book fairs like Printed Matter in NYC and LA exemplify mere fragments of the creative output that thrives outside of mainstream publishing platforms. This generation has re-embraced the analog and DIY mentality of content creation by rejecting traditional processes of editorial gatekeeping– a mechanism that keeps the most interesting creators (including many Latinx) at bay. This exposition will give you a sense of the ideas percolating in underground art, literature, punk scenes across the country with work that is rare, sometimes obscure, and always distinct. 

This curated selection of DIY content includes monographs, ethnographies of low brow scenes, fiction, art books, health advice for POC, educational and historical texts, and artist catalogs. Most publishers exhibited in El Zine operate outside of mainstream publishing and produce their zines independently with little editorial oversight. This exhibition includes works distinguished for their informality and the rarity of their content. And with freedom to explore any and all topics that have aspects of taboo –like magic, marijuana, sex work– or personal content that may not exist in other media arenas– urban landscapes, ghost stories, queer and trans perspectives, ancestral healing practices– zines offer an exclusive eye into the anxieties, interests, and ideas powering this generation’s cultural production.

Event Details:
On view 9/17/19 - 12/10/19
NYU, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis
20 Cooper Square, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10003