
All About Art Panel - 3/14/25

All About Art Panel - 3/14/25

March is Women’s History Month. I’m honored to be a panelist for this event with All About Art, a pop-up gallery and community-based arts organizers in Houston, TX. On Friday, March 14, we will be sharing our experiences as being a woman in the arts, our career trajectory and community impact. Excited to be in conversation with these amazing artists!

HERstory Panelists:

Event Details

Friday, March 14, 2025

Bad Astronaut Brewery

1519 Fulton St, Houston, TX 77009

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM for full event

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM for panel discussion

Houston Latino Film Festival - 3/15/25

Houston Latino Film Festival - 03/15/25

I’m so proud to be participating in the Houston Latino Film Festival this year! This year’s line up of films are fantastic. Beyond film, the festival also hosts workshops for filmmakers, an art show in the MATCH gallery space, musical performances every night. Don’t miss it! See this feature on Houston Chronicle about HLFF.

There will also be a poetry reading on Saturday, March 15 organized by Tintero Projects. I’m super proud to be reading NEW work at this reading.

Event Details

12:00 PM - Saturday, March 15, 2025

MATCH - Gallery

3400 Main St, Houston, TX 77002

See the HLFF for additional event details

MFAH Staff Art Show - 1/30/25

MFAH Staff Art Show - 1/30/25

I’m so proud to have my piece featured in the MFAH Biennial Staff Art Show 2025! The exhibition is taking place in the Millenium Gallery in the Lower Level of Beck Building at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Come check out all the incredible artwork submitted by talented MFAH employees. There are over 600 employees and I’m honored to be selected in the exhibition. Exhibition closes on 2/9/25.

This exhibiting piece is very significant to me on so many levels. It was taken upon my arrival at the airport in El Salvador. The passengers were awaiting at the baggage claim for their families and belongings. The silhouettes of the foreground symbolize the desire to go home, but what is home? Is it a geography? Is it a state of mind?

This specific photograph was the first piece of artwork I exhibited and sold on the same night. That experience taught me that my artwork is valued. With the support from that first show, I was empowered to own the title of ARTIST. Let me know if you visit my piece! Tag me @Yeirybird

The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids - Zine Launch @ Zine Fest Houston - 11/18/23

The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids - Zine Launch @ Zine Fest Houston - 11/18/23

Super proud to be part of this collaboration with Reyes Ramirez! Very grateful for the creative space to honor my Tia Ruchis and my neighborhood querido. The Pylon Project is presented from The Houston Artist Speaks Through Grids initiative.

Event Details

1:00 PM


Zine Fest Houston @ The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art

2334 Gulf Terminal Dr, Houston, TX 77023 - MAP

Check out the amazing line up for Zine Fest Houston taking place all day as well. I don’t have a table this year at ZFH but I’ll be vending in the San Anto Zine Fest in December 2023.

Zine Fest Houston - 11/12/22

Zine Fest Houston - 11/12/2022

I’m thrilled to be a vendor for Zine Fest Houston 2022. I have new merch which I’m super excited to share with y’all

Catch me at Table 3 near the entrance with the homies of St. Sucia & Xicana Vegan.

Check out the full list of vendors here.

Lots of food, programs and ZINES!

Event Details:

The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art

(Not the monument but the big space behind it!)

2334 Gulf Terminal Dr.

Houston, TX 77023

Saturday, November 12, 2022

12 -6 PM

FB Event Link

Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market - 10/15/22

Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market - 10/15/22

Yoooo - I’ll be vending in person for the first time zine October 2019.

Join me and all the wonderful vendors at Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market taking place this weekend.

Event Details

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Hardy & Nance Studios

902 Hardy Street

Houston, TX 77020

Free Admission

Facebook Event Link

“The Loop” Launch Party & Reading - 9/15/22

“The Loop” Launch Party & Reading - 9/15/22

I’m thrilled to be a contributor and reader for this local publication, “The Loop” presented by Common Field. I’ll be reading a piece I wrote in celebration of my hood, mi querido barrio, East End. Big thanks to Common Field, Megan Sparks and Reyes Ramirez for creating and organizing “The Loop”.

Join us for an evening of amazing local writers inspired by all things H-town.

Publication includes contributions from:

Event Details below:

Thursday, September 15, 2022


Aurora Picture Show

2442 Bartlett St, Houston, TX 77098

Claudia Castro Luna Book Launch - 6/29/22

Claudia Castro Luna Book Launch - 6/29/22


Enjoy this FREE event celebrating Central American art & culture! Meet Salvadoran author, Claudia Castro Luna, and get your copy of her new book “Cipota Under the Moon” singed. Hosted by writer, activities Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante.

Houston stop features the following artists: Yeiry Guevara, Marlon “Marley” Lizama, Alba Herrera, Celea Guevara.

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Alta Arts, Google Map

Facebook Event Link

Reyes Ramirez Book Launch - 5/12/22

Reyes Ramirez Book Launch - 5/12/22

JOIN MECA, TBH, NUESTRA PALABRA & TINTERO PROJECTS as we celebrate the DEBUT short story collection, THE BOOK OF WANDERERS by Houston writer, Reyes Ramirez!

This literary night will see a full line - up of poets and writers including:

Yeiry Guevara, Farrah Fang, Icess Fernandez Rojas, Lupe Mendez and more!

May 12, 2022

MECA at TBH Center, Houston TX

Facebook Link

Reyes Website

Houston Latino Film Festival Reading - 3/26/22

Houston Latino Film Festival Reading - 3/26/22

Big congrats to my friend Reyes Ramirez on his debut short story collection “The Book of Wanderers”!

I have the immense honor to be the opening reader for his event taking place at the Houston Latino Film Festival this weekend.

I’ll be doing my first public reading (in forever) on:

Saturday, March 26, 2022
5 pm
MATCH - Gallery

Come thru to watch me read in a gorgeous new dress 💃🏽 and listen to the wonderful stories created by the homie Reyes.

Additional info at the HLFF website.

Sin Muros: A Latinx Theatre Festival - 2/27/21

Sin Muros: A Latinx Theatre Festival

Presented by Stages and Tintero Projects

Click to Expand

It’s been a rough week of catastrophic weather in Texas. After this winter storm. we’re very grateful for our sunshine and resilience this week.

For this weekend, catch me doing an online reading for Sin Muros: a Latinx Theatre Festival.

This festival is a collaboration between:

I will be reading my original work as an opener/introduction for “Inner View” by Christine Granados. Directed by Benito Vazquez. The festival is free as well!

Event Details:
Saturday, February 27
Link to Online Event Page Here

Uncle Bob's Photo Zine Market - 3/21/20

This Event is Cancelled

Uncle Bob's_IG_Blue.png

Yoooooo, I’m vending in HTX for the first time in a loooong time (since 2017). I will be set up at Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market at El Rincón Social on March 21, 2020. Big thanks to Zine Fest Houston, FLATS, and El Rincón Social for organizing the event. Come thru and say hi!

Date: Saturday, March 21 from 2 - 7 pm

Location: El Rincón Social
3210 Preston St, Houston, Texas 77003

Facebook Event

Event Details from Facebook:

Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market is a one-day market showcasing regional photography zine-makers.

The zine, or self-published magazine, is an affordable distribution medium that is often overlooked in the larger photography world. Since zines are published using minimal personnel and less costly materials, they represent a more accessible way for new patrons to support local artists and begin their collecting journey.

Uncle Bob’s Photo Zine Market will take place at El Rincón Social, providing regional photographers with an opportunity to show their work in a space that will amplify their reach. We believe it is important to showcase the talent and dedication of regional photographers on a stage that is worthy of their skill and artistry.

Bill Daniel | Brenda Cruz-Wolf | Burburuza Productions | Cary Fagan | Deep Red Press | FLATS | Gabriel Martinez | Gustavo Trevino | Income Taxes | Isabel Arbeláez Botero | Jason Dibley | Jean-Sebastian Boncy | Jennifer Battaglia | Laidric Stevenson | Ry Allred | Ryan Hollaway | Splatterbooth | Sterling Kokroko | Tell You What Press | UHPDM 20 | Yeiry Guevara

Buena Conmigo-Lotería Exhibition - 12/8/18

A year after my first art show ever in this space, I’m so proud to be showing all new pieces at Hardy & Nance Studios again. I created these original images for the “Buena Conmigo-Lotería Exhibtion”, organized by the East End Studio Gallery

The show is lotería themed so I put a Salvi spin on this classic latinx game. 

My Salvi Lotería Pieces: “El Cuzuco” & “El Jicaro”

My Salvi Lotería Pieces: “El Cuzuco” & “El Jicaro”

Sadly, I will not be able to attend in person but check out the show and see other great pieces. 

Event Details  

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Gallery Viewing: 1 - 4 pm

Loteria Game: 4:30 - 8 pm

The Hardy & Nance Studios

902 Hardy St, Houston, TX 77020

Facebook Event

Zine Fest Houston - 11/17/18


Houston, I was so happy to be part of this reading and discussion panel at Zine Fest Houston 2018.

Thanks Reyes for inviting me to be a part of “Latinx Zinesters in Texas: A Reading and Discussion Featuring Reyes Ramirez, Claudia Delfina Cardona, Yeiry Guevara, and moderated by S Rodriguez.”

I sold copies of my zines and tiny zines at the event as well.


Event Details

Saturday, November 17, 2018

4:00 - 5:00 pm - Panel & Reading

Lawndale Arts Center

4912 Main St., Houston, TX 77002

Free for all ages

Facebook Event

Thank you Moe + Maria for the pics!

El Chow: Fruto en Vaina - 3/24/18

Event Flyer for El Chow: Fruto en Vaina

Event Flyer for El Chow: Fruto en Vaina

I'm so proud to have been part of this group exhibition titled El Chow: Fruto en Vaina held in El Rincón Social in Houston, Texas on March 24th, 2018. 

About the Exhibition: 
El Rincón Social is pleased to present El Chow: Fruto en Vaina, a group exhibition featuring multidisciplinary and multimedia works from 20 Houston-based artists that share an affinity for Latinx cultural traditions and examine their hybrid mentalities as women and queer people of color. El Chow, the second curatorial initiative spearheaded by curator Maureen Penders, runs from March 24, 2018 - April 6th, 2018, with an opening reception for the public on Saturday, March 24 from 7 PM to 1 AM. There will be an Artists Talk Wednesday April 11th, 2018. El Chow: Fruto en vaina is a participating exhibition in the 2018 FotoFest Biennial.

The presented artists/artworks investigate the complex nature of the emerging Latinx identity through themes of mysticism, immortality, transnational relations, communal healing, representation, visibility, among other topics. For some of the artists in particular, El Chow includes a study of gender and of belonging. These artist’s work operate beyond the confines of the readily accepted social, cultural and gender norms.

Big thanks to Moe for curating this show, all the amazing artists who participated and thrive. Also, shout out to my wonderful family and friends who came and supported my work. Mucho love!

Featured Artists

Jessica Alvarenga
Natalia Barrientos
Leticia Contreras
Gabriela Duarte
Chanell Escobar
Theresa Escobedo
Brenda Franco
Tere Garcia
Irene Antonia Diane Reece
Jessica González
Victoria Paige Gonzalez
Yeiry Guevara
Ángel Lartigue
Paty Lennon
Karen Y. Martinez
Arely Peña
Maureen Penders
Isaac Reyes
S Rodriguez
Edna Sandoval

Images from El Chow: Fruto en Vaina

Home And Away Show - 8/25/2017


Coming Home

12 NYC & HTX Based Artists Come Together in Houston, TX

On August 25th 2017, I had the immense joy to be part of "Home and Away" Show at the Gallery of Hardy & Nance Studios in Houston, TX. It was the first time I showed my art in public! Despite the imminent threat of Hurricane Harvey, the collaborative work of 12 emerging artists shone through the darkest storm clouds. A variety of mediums such as photography, painting, embroidery, video, jewelry were on display. All were representations of the artist's personal exploration of home and complexity of that relationship. Click here for the official press release. Check out the event pics and video below!

Most profound THANK YOU to Suzy Villarruel for having the vision and execution to bring the show to life. She believed in our craft, our potential, inspired each one of us and made it all happen. Te quiero mucho, amiga!

Mucho love to all the artists who contributed their immense talents and support:

Forever grateful for the support from our wonderful sponsors: Oriana V. Garcia, Claudia Vasquez, Buffalo Bayou Brewing, Deep Eddy Vodka, Red Bull, and Topo Chico. 

Additional thank you to my parents and family for being profoundly supportive and sweet;  Maria Inez for her creative vision and kind heart. Thank you everyone who attended!