
All About Art Panel - 3/14/25

All About Art Panel - 3/14/25

March is Women’s History Month. I’m honored to be a panelist for this event with All About Art, a pop-up gallery and community-based arts organizers in Houston, TX. On Friday, March 14, we will be sharing our experiences as being a woman in the arts, our career trajectory and community impact. Excited to be in conversation with these amazing artists!

HERstory Panelists:

Event Details

Friday, March 14, 2025

Bad Astronaut Brewery

1519 Fulton St, Houston, TX 77009

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM for full event

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM for panel discussion

NALAC National Latinx Summit - 10/01/21

NALAC National Latinx Summit - 10/01/21

Join the conversation on all things Latinx arts! NALAC is hosting its annual National Latinx Summit, Manos a la Obra, on September 30 - October 2, 2021.

The summit will include Keynotes, a marketplace, ofrenda, along with community-led sessions all virtual.
Register today to virtually participate in the Summit.

I’m very excited to be a session presenter on October 01, 2021 from 03:30PM–04:25PM CDT with an amazing panel. See details below.

About the Panel
The Critic is Essential: A Latinx Arts Critics Panel

Articles published by the New York Times, Hyperallergic, Forbes, and other publications. show the lack of critics of color in publications that feature reviews of art. What is the role of the critic in the arts ecosystem? Why does an arts community need critics with a shared background? In this panel, practicing critics Reyes Ramirez, Sarah Rafael Garcia, Icess Fernandez Rojas and Yeiry Guevara, will share experiences, ideas, and inspiration navigating critical writing on art forms from various perspectives, such as food, film, visual art, and literary criticism, to highlight Latinx critics as important members of the artistic community. Participants will be able to ask questions, be inspired to meet creatives, and find new collaborations at the NALAC Summit.

Register Now

AWP20 Conference - 3/7/20

AWP Conference - 3/7/20


It is an absolute honor to present at the Association for Writers and Writing Programs Conference on March 7, 2020 in San Antonio, TX.

I’m beyond ecstatic to be in conversation with these brilliant creators. My most profound gratitude to Tash and Isa of St. Sucia for organizing this panel.

Check out the info below.

About the Event:

S260. Latinx in Zines: Creating Space for Underrepresented Voices
Room 212, Henry B. González Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
Saturday, March 7, 2020
3:20 pm to 4:35 pm 

Natasha Hernandez, chicana editor of St. Sucia, international feminist zine, will moderate Anakaren Ortiz Varela, queer Mexican editor of La Liga, a decolonial latinx zine, Rebecca Gonzales, WOC whose work explores East LA roots and life, Yeiry Guevara, writer and translator whose poetry explores Salvadoran American identity, and Breena Nuñez, a grad student and cartoonist whose work explores Afrolatinx nonbinary identity. We will explore panelists’ zine journeys and how they have used this space to challenge the larger literary world.

Full Event Details Here

LatinX: When Identity Is Hashtagged Panel - 10/10/18

Twitter Panel. Left to right: Laura, Janel, Juliana, Gabe, Kat and Yeiry

Twitter Panel. Left to right: Laura, Janel, Juliana, Gabe, Kat and Yeiry

It was a real dream come true to be part of this talented panel discussing #Latinx Identity for Hispanic Heritage Month celebration, which took place at Twitter NYC. Thank you to Lauren of Twitter ALAS & Janel of Ain’t I Latina for organizing this amazing event. Free and open to the public! RSVP here. Check out event photos below.


Panel Featuring

Juliana Pache, Social Media Director at The Fader
Kat Lazo, Director/Producer/Host of The Kat Call
Yeiry Guevara, Writer/Artist
Gabe Gonzalez, Comedian/Writer
Janel Martinez, Creator/Editor-in-Chief of Ain’t I Latina

About The Event

Join us as we host an insightful panel discussion on how the #Latinx identity and community is celebrated, discussed, and fostered through Twitter during #HispanicHeritageMonth. 

Oct 10, 2018
6:00 pm 

Twitter Headquarters
249 West 17th Street
New York, NY 10011

Event Photos